Saturday 30 July 2011

Filming- The School scenes.

Before filming took place we prepared the mise-en-scene for the scene, this included banners, costumes and even a pair of pompoms(!) which were similar to the the ones in the original video. This helped to make our re-creation look all the more accurate!

We started filming the school scenes after school, but the footage was unsuccessful due to various after school activities going on around us, meaning our filming was continuously interrupted. Another setback we had was the number of people trying to direct the shoot. As the class was working as one big group, there were a lot of different opinions and discussions which meant not a lot of filming got done! 

As we had conveniently chosen to re-create a music video which is located in a 'school' we were able to shoot the majority of our school scenes during our media lessons. We decided to to give set roles e.g director, camera man etc. to avoid any unnecessary disagreements and setbacks. Unfortunately, this meant I was less involved with the filming than i'd like to have been, but I will have the chance to experiment more when it comes to our individual work! 

We used a different location for our second attempt of filming, which had a dark setting. We decided to use extra lights to help brighten up the set achieving a better effect on camera. 

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